Workers Compensation Insurance

Workers Compensation Insurance

At Promark Partners' Dance Insurance USA, having a workplace that is protected gives you extra security. As an employer, you have an obligation to ensure a safe work place and the law requires a business to have Workers Compensation Insurance. Work Comp insurance can provide the coverage to protect you and your employees from those unpredictable occurrences.

Promark Partners' Dance Insurance USA can offer many different programs for dance and performing arts studios depending on your state, in order to customize a package that fits your needs. We take a proactive approach to our clients' Workers Compensation challenges. We will work to ensure your studio is adequately protected, state compliance, all while reducing your insurance costs wherever possible.  

Coverage and benefits can be obtained for the worker no matter who is at fault. For those workers injured in the workplace, medical expenses and income replacement may be necessary. 

How does this benefit you?

  • Reduced injuries and losses
  • Reduced medical and disability costs
  • Reduced policy adjustments
  • Reduced premium costs
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